Choropleth Chart Documentation


Prop Name Type Default Value Required Description
data {data: numbers, name: string}[] WorldPopulationData No An array containing objects with 2 properties listed in the Default Value section
fontSize number 10 No Font size of tool tip text
widthPadding number 0 No Additional padding translates map inside of container SVG
heightPadding number 0 No Additional padding translates map inside of container SVG
paddingTitle number 15 No The padding between the top of the SVG and the title text
width number 700 No Set the width of the SVG
height number 700 No Set the height of the SVG
stepArr number[] undefined No Pass in stepArr if you want to customize legend values. If this is being passed in, colorArr must be passed in with length 2 greater than stepArr. This defaults to a linear scale between the min and max of the data set with legendSteps number of steps
colorArr string[] undefined No colors chosen for color. thresholdScale must also be true
legendSteps number 6 No The number of steps in our legend
legendSvgPadding number 0 No The Padding between the left edge of the SVG and the legend
lowColor string lightblue No The color for low values on the color scale
highColor string darkblue No the color for high values on the color scale
offHoverOpacity number 0.8 No A number between 0 and 1 for opacity of chart elements that aren't being hovered over
title string Example Text No Title text
scale number 75 No A number reprepsenting what scale to size projection map, 150 is 100% to scale
center [number,number] [0,0] No 2 value number array representing center coordinate of map. Useful for moving the map around to focus on different countries
thresholdScale boolean true No A switch to change country coloring to match legend color exactly