Scatterplot Chart


Prop Name Type Default Value Required Description
datasets {label: string, color: string, data: {x: Date, y: number}[] }[] N/A No Use this for multiple pieces of data showing on the same chart. Each dataset is customizable as noted in the type column
dotColor string #BFE4A3 No Color of each individual dot
dotHoverColor string #90BE6D No The color of the dot on mouse hover
dotSize string 5 No The radius of each dot
number 70 No The padding to the Top, Left, Right, and Bottom of the chart, respectively
width number 600 No The width of the chart
height number 600 No The height of the chart
addAxesLabel boolean false No Add x and y labels to the chart
xAxisLabel string x label No The text of your x axis
yAxisLabel string y label No The text of your y axis
axesFontSize string 0.8em No Changes the size of the axes labels
axesColor string #4D908E No The color for you axes
axesLabelColor string #277DA1 No The color of the labels for you axes
animation boolean true No Animation for your lines to show up on your chart
animationDuration number 5000 No Time (in ms) for the lines on your chart to be animated
addToolTip boolean true No Add tooltip for mouse hover on each data point
fontFamily string Verdana No Font for the text for your line chart
addTitle boolean false No Presence of the title for your chart. It will display at the top
setTitle string string No Set the title for your chart
setTitleSize string 1.5em No Set the font size of your chart (in em)
setTitleColor string #277DA1 No Set the color of your title for your chart
setTitlePaddingTop number 40 No Set how far down the title is from the top edge of the chart
addLegend boolen true No Toggles the presence of a legend